Our Home

When you walk into our home, you will find yourself in the midst of an eclectic family that lives, learns, and grows together.  Explorations is NOT a cookie-cutter program.  You won’t see dormitory rooms and uniforms; but instead a nurturing family home—a truly supportive and unique environment designed to foster growth and development.  It is a safe place for students to stretch, grow and define a new self, away from the previous pressures causing them to struggle. 

What Can Students Expect?

Students can expect a fair division of labor of household duties and chores, as they learn to be active, contributing family members.  Our students are expected to participate in the daily responsibilities required to run a family home, including meal preparation, hauling firewood, house cleaning and outdoor duties, just as our own children do.  Students leave with an appreciation for the work required to be an active part of a family and a willingness to contribute.

Our Family